
He is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and of the ENSAE (French national school for statistics and economic administration), and is a qualified actuary of the Institut des Actuaires. He also holds the rank of Ingénieur général des Mines.

He joined CNP Assurances in 2002 as special advisor to the Head of Partnerships and Commercial Development. Since 2003, he has been Director of Steering and Management Control, Chief Accountant France, Director of the Finance Roadmap programme in 2012 and Group Technical Director. Appointed member of the Executive Committee in September 2013, Thomas Béhar was promoted to Group Financial Performance Director in December 2017 and subsequently to Chief Financial Officer of CNP Assurances in 2019. 

Since July 1st 2022, he is Deputy Chief Executive Officer of CNP Assurances. He has been Group Financial and Extra-Financial Director at CNP Assurances since April 2024.

He is a lecturer in actuarial studies at the Centre d’études actuarielles and co-author of “Assurance: Comptabilité, Règlementation, Actuariat”, published by Economica in 2002.

Thomas Béhar has also been President of the Institut des actuaires and of the European Actuarial Association.
In addition, in September 2021, he was appointed Chairman of the Economic and Financial Commission of the French Insurance Federation (Fédération Française de l’Assurance).

Thomas Béhar is Deputy Chief Executive Officer of CNP Assurances and a member of the Executive Committee.