CNP Assurances’ mission is to protect people over potentially extensive periods of time. We are therefore naturally committed to the very long-term value of our assets, which is why we make sustainable financial investments.

Our contribution to the energy and environmental transition involves strengthening the climate criterion when managing our portfolio.

CNP Assurances has been a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2011, selecting its investments according to environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria.
At the end of 2023, 97% of the asset management companies with which CNP Assurances works had signed the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).

A steadfast commitment to the climate

In accordance with the Paris Agreement, CNP Assurances has set ambitious climate targets in favour of the climate. We are taking action by proactively reducing the portfolio’s carbon footprint, particularly by investing very heavily in building renovation. 

CNP Assurances has already exceeded two of the three main climate targets that the Group had set in 2019 :

 Graph illustrating the evolution of the carbon footprint of CNP Assurances' equity and real estate portfolios


And by making substantial investments in energy transition.

 Graph illustrating the evolution of investments in favor of the energy transition


Fighting global warming: CNP Assurances' objectives 
• Achieve a carbon-neutral investment portfolio by 2050 (a)
• Reduce the carbon footprint (scopes 1 and 2) of its directly held equity and corporate bond portfolio by 25% between 2019 and 2024, and by 53% between 2019 and 2029 (a)
• Reduce the carbon footprint (scopes 1 and 2) of its directly held property portfolio by 10% between 2019 and 2024 (a)
• Reduce by 17% between 2019 and 2024 the carbon intensity (scopes 1 and 2) of electricity producers in which CNP Assurances is a direct shareholder or bondholder (a)
• Dialogue each year with 8 companies (6 directly and 2 via the Climate Action 100+ collaborative initiative) and 3 asset managers to encourage them to adopt a strategy aligned with a 1.5°C scenario by the end of 2024 (a)
• Achieve zero exposure to thermal coal in its investment portfolio by 2030 in European Union and OECD countries and by 2040 throughout the rest of the world
• Achieve €30 bn in green investments by the end of 2025

• Have the Group's decarbonization trajectory (scopes 1, 2 and 3) validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) by 2024

(a) Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance target

Protecting biodiversity: CNP Assurances' objectives
• Measure the biodiversity of 100% of the forest estate by the end of 2025 (b)
• Dedicate 3% of forest area to ageing islands and areas undergoing natural evolution by the end of 2025
• By the end of 2023, measure the biodiversity footprint of 100% of the direct corporate bond and equity portfolio, subject to data availability (b)
• Carry out an inventory and analysis of the biodiversity impact of direct logistics platforms by the end of 2022
• Engage in annual dialogue with 5 companies to encourage them to adopt a strategy aligned with international biodiversity agreements by the end of 2024 (b)
• Publish science-based targets by the end of 2024 to increase positive impacts and reduce negative impacts on biodiversity (b)

• Organize annual waste collection operations by employees in the various countries where the CNP Assurances group operates, as part of World CleanUp Day.

(b) Objective Finance for Biodiversity Pledge

Fore more information : download our Sustainable Investment Report 2023

Considering the impact of our investments on society and the environment

Since 2006, CNP Assurances has taken a comprehensive responsible-investment approach in accordance with the specific nature of each sub-fund of assets:


- First policy to provide a framework for investments in biodiversity protection


- Increase its green investment target to reach 30 billion euros by the end of 2025 
- New Target to reduce the investment portfolio’s carbon footprint by 2029


- Strengthen fossil fuel exclusion policy (oil, gas, coal) 
- Increased focus on green investments 
- Commitment to have our decarbonization trajectory approved by the Science Based Target (SBTI)


- Target further reduction of the investment portfolio’s carbon footprint by 2025
- First policy governing investments in the oil and gas sector


- Signature of the Tobacco-Free Finance Pledge
- Adoption of a definitive thermal coal exit plan


- Commitment to a carbon-neutral investment portfolio by 2050
- Adoption of a stricter coal policy
- Increase in the green investment target


First public report on the incorporation of ESG criteria into the investment strategy


- First climate strategy with quantitative targets for green investments and reduction of the carbon footprint in the investment portfolio
- First policy governing investments in the coal sector


Exclusion of offshore financial centres


Signature of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)


Exclusion of cluster bomb and anti-personnel mine manufacturers


First implementation of a best-in-class ESG approach across the entire share portfolio

CNP Assurances has therefore consistently proven its strong commitment to a future where global warming would be limited to 1.5°C at the end of this century.