On this page you will find a selection of indicators reflecting CNP Assurances' CSR approach.

Corporate indicators

  • 6,966

    employees worldwide

  • 95,5%

    of employees on permanent contracts

  • 48%

    women among management-grade staff

  • 7,3%

    of employees with a disability

Representation of women in governing bodies

  • 58%

    of women among the executive committee in 2023

  • 40%

    of women in senior management in 2023

    40% share of women among senior executives as of 12/31/2023

CNP Assurances does not have any senior executives in its workforce within the meaning of Article L. 3111-2 of the Labour Code.

Gender equality index 2023

In 2023, CNP Assurances achieved a score of 100/100 for the Gender Equality Index. Below are the detailed scores: 

  • 100 /100

    on the gender pay equality index

  • 40 /40

    Gender pay gap indicator

  • 20 /20

    Indicator relating to differences in the rate of individual increases

  • 15 /15

    Indicator relating to promotion gaps

  • 15 /15

    Indicator relating to the percentage of female employees receiving a raise in the year following their return from maternity leave

  • 10 /10

    Indicator relating to the number of employees of the under-represented sex among the 10 employees with the highest salaries

Environmental indicators

  • 76,908 tonnes

    of Co2 emissions linked to internal operations (scope 1, 2 market based and 3)

    or 4,591,011 of emissions linked to the direct investment portfolio (scope 3)

  • 19.4 GWh

    of electricity consumption

  • 31,032 m3

    of water consumption

Governance indicators

  • 64%

    of directors are women

  • 27,3%

    of directors are independent

  • 93%

    attendance of directors at Board of Directors’ meetings

  • 2

    directors representing employees

  • 8,5x

    CEO-to-median-employee pay ratio