For 30 years, Fondation CNP Assurances has been working on public health issues alongside non-profit partners. Together, we are seeing a continuous deterioration in the health of young people in France. 

Which is why we have decided to refocus our strategic commitment, through a new focus called:  “For young people’s health” .  

Studies and surveys reveal this growing public health issue. The numbers are worrying. For example:

  • two-thirds of 11-17 year-olds have a high level of health risk: overweight, eating disorders, chronic conditions, etc. (source: ANSES1),
  • since 1984, young people aged 11 to 15 have lost about 25% of their physical capacity, according to the French Federation of Cardiology,
  • in the area of mental health: 20.8% of 18-24 year olds were affected by depression2 in 2021 compared with 11.7% in 2017.

Supporting impact projects to help them grow

Their health is deteriorating due in particular to the increase in risky behaviour, a lack of education/prevention, and the rise in insecurity.

In line with the purpose of CNP Assurances, the Fondation has chosen to lead this fight with associations working for young people’s health. With one objective: to support impact projects to make them grow, as explained by  Agathe Sanson, vice-president of Fondation CNP Assurances

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A new focus broken down into a multi-year action plan

We have defined a multi-year action plan based on four main principles:

  • commitment to emerging societal issues,
  • projects co-constructed with partner associations,
  • the possibility of supporting pilot projects for a future spin-off on a larger scale to reach as many people as possible,
  • impact measurement criteria integrated from the start of the project.

As part of this new strategic focus, Fondation CNP Assurances will launch a call for projects in early 2025. The projects selected will be definitively approved by its Board of Directors in June 2025.

1 - ANSES - Assessment of health risks associated with the sedentary lifestyles and physical inactivity of children and adolescents 2020
2 - French Public Health survey: Health and consumption survey carried out on Citizen and Defence Preparation Day (ESCAPAD) 2023