The environment in which we are born and grow has a big impact on our health. Inequalities build from childhood and become manifest or worsen in adolescence. They grow into adulthood depending on economic and social conditions, lifestyle or access to rights and care.
Since 2015, Fondation CNP Assurances has formed numerous partnerships to support young people, focusing on risk prevention to reduce social inequalities in health.
These partnerships expire on 31 December 2024. Our Fondation has chosen to refocus its efforts on the health of young people, who are facing a deterioration in their physical and mental health. Find out more
We are proud to have supported the projects of these partner associations.
Actions to promote staying in school
With the non-profit Alliance for Education-United Way, we are developing a new "Employee engagement and Educational cities" project. Guidance and orientation is a factor that aggravates social inequalities for young people, and so the project aims to strike early, at the junior high stage, to give the underprivileged the tools they need to make informed, goal-appropriate decisions.
Partnerships in two areas:
- Employee engagement with young people attending schools in priority areas
- Coordination and closer monitoring of students under the Educational cities programmes.
Learn more on the Alliance for Education-United Way website
Reducing student deprivation and unhappiness
Since 2015, The Foundation and FAGE have worked together to tackle student poverty and well-being, with the Agoraé spaces playing a major role in this drive.
2023 Key figures:
- Over 8,738 beneficiaries of the products and services offered in the 40 Agoraé spaces
- 116 volunteers trained to provide mental health first aid
- Six “A bus for a campus” holidays for 318 young people departing from six university towns and city.
Learn more on the FAGE website
Promoting health and the prevention of high-risk behaviour
We are supporting
ADOSEN’s Coop-Addict project.
Its goal is to help junior-high and high-school students gain the life skills they need to keep them addiction-free.
The project is built around a board game – part escape game and part role-play game – and aims to nip addictive behaviours in the bud through a reflexive, peer dialogue-based approach.
For the school year 2022/2023, its ambition is to raise awareness among 35,000 students and train 600 educational staff.
Learn more on the ADOSEN website
Health education in priority areas
The CNP Assurances Foundation is supporting the project "Preventing stress and anxiety among high school students, reducing social inequalities in health" by the Ecolhuma association (ex-Synlab).
This project aims to develop the well-being of high school students by strengthening the support capacities of their teachers. It relies on the ÊtrePROF platform to federate a community of volunteer teachers, acculturated to the issues of well-being at school.
For the 2022/2023 school year, the aim is to train 1,000 volunteer teachers in the challenges of well-being at secondary school in order to have an impact on 90,000 secondary school students in 4,000 classes.
Learn more on the Ecolhuma website
Support for well-being, social and professional integration
The CNP Assurances Corporate Foundation supports the “Pass Bien-être” training program project catering chiefly for young people aged 16 to 25 with disabilities supported by AGIVR. It has set itself two objectives:
- Giving young people the means to acquire and develop by themselves skills and behaviors conducive to their health and well-being
- Developing the life skills critical for them to establish their place in society and the workplace
The aim for 2023 is to train 250 people with disabilities in the “Pass Bien-être" and to expand the project in conjunction with UNAPEI.
Learn more on the AGIVR website
A helping hand for young talents in healthcare
The Foundation partners Fondation Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet pour la Vocation, which helps deserving young people fulfil their professional calling by awarding them a grant. Every year, the Vocation Prize enables these young people to complete their studies or start their working life. Within this framework, the Foundation supports young people training for medical and paramedical professions.
Evaluating tools for developing young people's psychosocial skills
University of Bordeaux’s DAVANTAJ
action research project represents a new departure for us.
This new type of project aims to provide answers to two questions:
- To what extent and under what conditions do existing programmes educating young people about best health and well-being practices enable them to develop life skills, firstly, in a school environment and, secondly, under the Alliance pour l’éducation–United Way’s Défi Jeunesse programmes?
- What scope is there for social media in this approach?
To learn more about the Foundation, download the latest activity report
Foundation Annual Report 2023 - CNP Solidaire: getting everyone involved