CNP Assurances signed the charter dedicated to combating domestic violence at the annual ceremony held by the OneInThreeWomen network on 14 December 2023. Led by the Act Against Exclusion Foundation (FACE), the European network has since 2018 brought together companies committed to combating violence against women, and in particular the La Poste Group.

According to a 2021 study by the World Health Organization, one in three women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual violence in their lives, most of the time committed by a spouse or ex-spouse. Statistically, each employer has, or will have, at least one female victim of violence in its workforce. 

For FACE, companies are highly relevant venues for addressing this issue, because when they are working, the female employees concerned are less in contact with their abusive spouse or ex-spouse. Work is a place where women can talk about domestic violence, with their colleagues, friends, or other people they trust. 

This is why the OneInThreeWomen network has, with the signatory companies, introduced a charter on the commitment against domestic violence. 

By signing this charter, CNP Assurances and the other members of the network commit to: 
- raising awareness of domestic violence within the company, 
- fostering a caring environment for female employees who are victims of violence, 
- facilitating access to specialised associations, 
- producing and/or distributing the resources developed by the network, including awareness-raising kits, studies, podcasts, and communication campaigns.

As part of its commitment, CNP Assurances has undertaken to implement: 
- specific support via the company’s social assistance bodies to help the employees concerned find financial, administrative or accommodation solutions;
- a partnership with Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes, a French federation that fights against violence to women, to train all its medical teams in the detection and guidance of female employees who are victims of domestic violence;
- physical and/or remote psychological support and counselling accessible to all employees. 

By signing the OneInThreeWomen Charter under the aegis of Bérangère Couillard, French Minister responsible for Gender Equality and the Fight against Discrimination, CNP Assurances is lending concrete shape to its corporate mission of working for a more inclusive and sustainable society by combating discrimination. 

« We are proud to be part of the OneInThreeWomen network led by the Act Against Exclusion Foundation. Our membership demonstrates our commitment to the core values of fairness and respect. We strongly believe that each individual deserves to live and work in an environment free from all forms of discrimination. As a responsible insurer and in accordance with its corporate mission, whereby it takes actions to protect as many people as possible, CNP Assurances is mindful of the company’s key role in combating violence against women and strives to provide the best possible support to its female employees, while raising awareness of these issues throughout society. Together, we can make a difference.» says Marie Rouen, Deputy Director of Human Resources, CNP Assurances.