The Fondation CNP Assurances is pursuing its support for Fédération des Associations Générales Etudiantes (Federation of general student associations or FAGE) in its fight against vulnerability and ill-being through the “2021 Mental Health Action Plan” for students.

To provide psychological support to students affected by the health crisis, the Board of Directors of the Fondation CNP Assurances voted urgently on 2 March 2021 on an exceptional aid of €50,000 for its partner FAGE, to assist it in the roll-out of its ”2021 Mental Health Action Plan”.  

For six years, the Fondation CNP Assurances has been committed to students alongside FAGE, working to reduce social health inequalities. Co-built with FAGE, this partnership reflects the strong commitment of the Fondation CNP Assurances to supporting students who are particularly impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.

The “2021 Mental Health Action Plan”

The “2021 Mental Health Action Plan” implemented by FAGE aims to respond immediately, and over the medium and long term, to proven needs of psychological support for students. It will do so by:

•    promoting mental health to inform students of existing support, including university health services, psychological financial aid for students (chèques psychologiques), student health monitoring and student health correspondents);
•    pursuing the initiative of telephone psychological consultations1;
•    administering a survey among the heads of student organisations on the state of health of students, aimed at enhancing the management of their psycho-social risks;
•    training and providing psychological support to FAGE staff on the prevention of psycho-social risks;
•    training FAGE volunteers on mental-health first aid.

This momentum will engender immediate and effective preventive actions by peers, and notably a more precise identification of young people suffering from isolation or depression.

Operational immediately, this plan supplements the commitments long supported by the Fondation CNP Assurances on well-being and the reduction of addiction-related risks via AGORAé solidarity grocery stores and on campuses.