Paris October 14, 2015

CNP Assurances announced the launch of Lyfe, a new digital platform for health and life insurance services. Lyfe is designed to support its users at every stage of life, offering services in the fields of prevention, coaching, access to health and assistance for carers. Currently in use in businesses and mutual insurance companies, the Lyfe platform will be presented for the first time at the 2015 Réavie Conference*, of which CNP Assurances is a partner.

While the internet cannot replace a visit to the doctor, it can help to respond to a growing need for health information. In recent years, a large number of eHealth tools have emerged, including information websites and mobile health apps, under the keen eye of users seeking the most relevant information, whether they are choosing a specialist, seeking information on a particular pathology or searching for a healthcare facility.

CNP Assurances has launched Lyfe, its first eHealth prototype. Developed by Responsive Web design (RWD) – computers, smartphones tablets – from November onwards, Lyfe will offer five high added-value services:

- The possibility to obtain, within a short period (under three days), a date for a medical consultation or imaging (particularly scanners) in a CNP Assurances partner health centre.

- The possibility to undergo a full medical check-up over the course of half a day. The check-up includes specialised consultations (cardiology, ENT, respiratory medicine, etc.) and medical examinations specific to the patient.

- The possibility, in the event of the loss of independence of a loved one, to obtain an assessment of the needs which must be met in order to allow them to continue to live at home safely.

- 24/7 remote medical advice.

- Personalised support and coaching on health prevention.

Designed for health insurance and life insurance scheme members, as well as CNP Assurances partner businesses, Lyfe proposes an innovative set of services, in addition to health insurance and life insurance products, while adding to the support services.

Lyfe will continue to grow with the addition of new services each quarter.

The Lyfe platform will be presented to the Réavie Conference during the workshop on “Personal Insurers: How to create the necessary closeness with our customers to prevent and manage risk? Could a pro-active approach through services be the answer?” hosted by Magaly Siméon, Head of the Social Protection and Services Business Unit at CNP Assurances.“With the launch of Lyfe, CNP Assurances has strengthened its position as a specialist in personal protection and is responding to a growing demand for interactivity and instantaneous communication coming from internet users in the field of health prevention”, noted Magaly Siméon.

* Conference organised by ‘L’Argus de l’assurance’ from 14 to 16 October 2015.