Day after day, corporate responsibility drives CNP Assurances’ financial practices. Our responsible investment strategy is now extended to all our financial portfolios across all asset classes, from equities to bonds, real estate and forests. We aim to always be an innovative player when dealing with the challenges of the ecological and energy transition (TEE). We believe responsible investment is neither a constraint nor a formality—it's a growth driver. With more than €300 billion invested across all sectors, CNP Assurances is a major player in financing the real economy.

An ESG approach aligned with the ecological and energy transition (EEE)

As a signatory to the UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the CNP Assurances Group chooses its investments according to environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. In ten years, this practice has become standard across all sub-funds. 
With 81% of its assets managed using ESG screening by the end of 2018, and 19% which benefit from a partial ESG approach, CNP Assurances offers a comprehensive responsible investment approach according to methods tailored to the specific nature of each sub-fund.

Thus, the management of listed shares held directly involves the use of ESG filters according to the best-in-class approach in addition to the extra-financial analyses of Mirova and LBPAM asset managers. Their management is aligned with model portfolios that strongly weight their investments' contribution to the EEE. This type of management was formalised with the development of an SRI Equity indicator. ESG criteria are also used for the real estate sector and forest management. By the end of 2018, the ESG approach was applied to 100% of property acquisitions and 100% of our forests were PEFC-certified.

10 billion in green investments at end-2018

CNP Assurances has further demonstrated its ever-increasing commitment to the fight against climate change, convinced that a large-scale environmental issue would also generate a financial risk against which we must protect ourselves in order to meet commitments to our policyholders that are sometimes long-term.
With €10bn in green investments at the end of 2018, and new objectives to withdraw from the coal industry, the Group made the decision to exclude companies with more than 10% of turnover linked to thermal coal (compared to 15% previously).

The year 2018 once again bore witness to our desire to improve the Group’s commitments, which means promoting SRI practices to protect all of its policyholders and their futures.

Download the 2018 report on responsible investment

The 2018 report on responsible investment: Inclusion of extra-financial factors in the management of assets and contribution to the ecological and energy transition in accordance with article 173-VI of the French law on the energy transition for green growth (TCEV).