
A graduate of ENSEEIHT1, Cécile Blondeau-Dallet began her career in September 1997 in risk functions at the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, French institution entrusted with managing public funds. 

She then joined Natixis in 2006, where for seven years she was in charge of the results department, responsible for the production and promotion of net income from capital markets activities, and helped with the implementation of Basel 3 regulations. 

In September 2017, she joined CNP Assurances as head of support functions for the Investment Division, before becoming joint head of the CNP Assurances Wealth Consultancy and Management BU in 2020.

Since october 2023, she has been Director of Investments France at CNP Assurances.

1  School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Computer Science, Hydraulics and Telecommunications