Solid business performance in France and successful deployment of the diversification model
Earnings up sharply to €1,550m and SCR coverage ratio at 253%
CNP Assurances Group financial indicators1
- Premium income2 of €35.6bn (down 4% vs 2022)
- Attributable net profit of €1,550m (up 65% vs 2022)
- SCR coverage ratio of 253% (up 21 pts vs 31 December 2022)
- Equity of €22.3bn, up €1.4bn (up 6.8% vs 31 December 2022)
- Contractual service margin (CSM) of €16.9bn (up €2bn vs 31 December 2022)
- Economic value3 of €33.6bn (vs €31bn at 31 December 2022)
- Recommended dividend of €1,975m payable to LBP, including a €1,200m exceptional dividend
Non-financial indicators4
- Green investments5 (CNP Assurances SA and its subsidiaries) of €27.2bn (up €2bn vs 31 December 2022)
- Impact investments (CNP Assurances SA) of €1.6bn (up €1.1bn vs 31December 2022)
- Carbon footprint of the investment portfolio6 (CNP Assurances SA and its French subsidiaries) of 47 kgCO2e/€k invested (down 14% vs 31 December 2022)
- Employee engagement and workplace well-being score (Group) of 91/100
- Gender equality index score (CNP Assurances SA) of 100/100
- Net Promoter Score (Group) of +55 awarded by our distribution partners
- Nine products that improve access to insurance for vulnerable populations, covering 895,000 policyholders
Marie-Aude Thépaut
Chief Executive Officer of CNP Assurances
“CNP Assurances reported a sharp rise in earnings thanks to a strong performance in France and the diversification of our business model. The diversification model has shown how our robust strategy provides the resilience needed to withstand changes in the economic environment.
In a complex environment, we are adapting to market changes and holding firm to our growth strategy by reaffirming our role as a responsible insurer committed to serving our stakeholders.”
1 CNP Assurances SA, its subsidiaries and the 4 entities CNP Assurances IARD, CNP Assurances Prévoyance, CNP Assurances Santé and CNP Assurances Conseil et Courtage
2 Noon gap indicator
3 CSM net of tax and non-controlling interests
4 CNP Assurances SA and its subsidiaries
5 Green government or corporate bonds, forests certified as being sustainably managed, buildings with an energy or environmental label, SFDR Article 9 funds that have an environmental sustainability objective, infrastructure and unlisted companies whose main activity is related to the environment. These green investments do not necessarily meet the technical criteria of the delegated acts of the Taxonomy Regulation.
6 Directly held equities, corporate bonds and infrastructure assets (Scope 1 and 2).
Download the press release to see the detailed financial and non-financial metrics: