As a player committed to the just transition to a low-carbon economy, CNP Assurances announces the update of its Green Bond Framework set up in 2019 to finance environmental projects by a new Sustainable Bond Framework allowing to finance also social projects. This expansion, aligned with our corporate mission for being adopted in 2021, reflects the actions carried out with our partners for an inclusive and sustainable society.

Funds raised by future bond issues, within this new framework, will be used exclusively to finance or refinance, in full or in part, eligible new and/or existing sustainable (green and/or social) assets, as defined in the new "Sustainable Bond Framework".

Category of eligible assets :

Green Assets

  • High energy performance buildings (new construction and refurbishment)
  • Sustainably managed forests and land
  • Renewable energy infrastructure
  • Low carbon transport 
  • Decontamination and clean-up of sites 
  • Sustainable water and wastewater management 
  • Environmental and biodiversity protection 
  • Circular economy 

Social Assets 

  • Access to essential services (Health)
  • Access to essential services (Education) 
  • Affordable housing 
  • Employment through SME financing 
  • Digital inclusion

In its new framework, CNP Assurances has taken into account, as far as possible, the requirements of the European Union regulation on taxonomy. 

In accordance with the best standards of the sustainable bond market (Sustainability Bond Guidelines), CNP Assurances will publish an annual report on the use of the funds raised and, depending on the data available, on the environmental (estimated CO2 sequestered, estimated energy savings) and social (people healed, households connected, Average rent discount) impacts of the projects financed.

ISS ESG stated as an independent expert assessing CNP Assuraces’ Sustainability Bond Framework against the ICMA  principles: "The main sustainability objectives and the rationale for issuing Green, Social, or Sustainability bonds are clearly described by the issuer. The majority of the project categories financed are in line with the issuer’s sustainability objectives." 

The Sustainable Bond Framework and the Second Party Opinion are available by clicking here

1 ICMA : International Capital Market Association 
2 SPO : Expert assessment of the framework of a green, social or sustainable bond against the ICMA principles