The Board of Directors of the Fondation CNP Assurances met on 7 December 2021 to approve support for five new projects that help fight social inequalities in healthcare for young people and to renew its solidarity commitments to students. The Foundation is continuing its actions to “Save lives” and support the social commitments of CNP Assurances employees.

The Fondation CNP Assurances is backing five new projects that help reduce social inequalities in healthcare for young people: 

-    The “Pass Bien-être (“Well-being pass”) project led by AGIVR (Agir pour vivre): to promote an inclusive society, this association of parents and relatives of people with mental and psychological disabilities, located in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, is developing the “power to act” of the disabled people it supports. The Fondation CNP Assurances is supporting the association’s “Well-being pass” project, which offers 15 to 20 training sessions per year for people with mental and psychological disabilities (mainly young people aged 16 to 25). The aim is to enable them to learn by themselves, to develop comprehensive and transferable know-how, and to develop life skills essential for their integration into society and the world of work. Through the project, the association intends to obtain training for 150 to 200 people per year, or 600 people over three years. It is hoped that this pilot will then be deployed to other associations.

-    ADOSEN’s Coop-Addict project to help junior and secondary school students in France to develop the psychosocial skills necessary to fight addictions. Combining aspects of a board game, escape game and role play, this project aims to prevent addictive behaviour by getting youths to engage in reflective questioning and dialogue with their peers. It is made up of five fun sessions that help them to develop the psychosocial, reflective and critical skills necessary for avoiding addiction. In each session, the theme of addiction is treated from a different angle: dependence, pleasure, freedom, peer pressure, and values. For the 2021/2022 school year, the project hopes to reach 15,000 students and 220 teachers. 

-    In partnership with the Alliance pour l’éducation - United Way (AEUW), the Foundation is developing a new project: “Engagement des collaborateurs et Cités éducatives” (“Employee Commitment and Educational Cities”). Because a lack of guidance and orientation is a factor that increases inequalities among young people, the project intends to act early on, from junior school level, to give the most underprivileged students the keys to help them find enlightened and adapted options. The partnership has two approaches: the commitment of employees who help young people in schools in priority education zones, and the coordination and close monitoring of pupils in “educational cities”.

The “Prévenir le stress et l’anxiété des lycéens, réduire les inégalités sociales de santé” project (“Preventing stress and anxiety in secondary school children, reducing social inequalities in healthcare”) led by the SynLab association, the first educational exchange community in France, which helps partners in education to further integrate human and social dimensions into their practices, thus realising the potential of each and every child. This project aims to develop the well-being of secondary school children by strengthening support for teachers and creating a community of volunteer teachers who are aware of the issues related to well-being at school, so that practices can be adapted and student stress levels thus reduced. The aim, quite simply, is to “help teachers to help young people”. For the 2021/2022 school year, the project intends to reach 500 teachers, 45,000 secondary school children and 2,000 classes, and in the next three years 3,000 teachers, 270,000 secondary school children and 12,000 classes.

-    The DAVANTAJ action research project led by the University of Bordeaux aims to answer two questions: to what extent and under what conditions do current programmes enable the development of psychosocial skills in schools and within the framework of the “Youth Challenge” programmes of the Alliance pour l’éducation - United Way? And, what role is played by social media? Once the review has been completed, the project should make it possible to build a tool for analysing and supporting schemes for the development of psychosocial skills among junior and secondary school children, including in priority education zones. 

-    The Fondation CNP Assurances is renewing its support for FAGE (Fédération des Associations Générales Etudiantes - federation of general student associations). Through its partnership with FAGE, the Foundation is continuing its fight against the precariousness and angst of students. The Fondation CNP Assurances has been supporting the federation’s actions to increase the number of Agoraé solidarity grocery shops (opening 2 to 4 structures in addition to the 31 existing ones) and to offer psychological support for students.

At last, the Fondation CNP Assurances continues its partnership with the Fondation pour la Vocation-Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet de la Vocation, which helps talented youths achieve their professional goal by providing them with a grant. Being very committed to equal opportunities, at the ceremony of 6 December 2021, the Fondation CNP Assurances sponsored Sara Chabba, a lawyer specialising in the rights of minorities, in Dublin, Ireland. Thanks to this support, the 22-year-old woman will be able to finance her studies and fulfil her dream of defending the most disadvantaged, thus following in the footsteps of her grandfather, a human rights activist for UNICEF. 

“Save lives”

As part of its action to “Save lives”, the Fondation CNP Assurances has been a partner of SAUV LIFE since December 2019 and will be continuing its support in 2022. In addition to the purchase of several telemedicine briefcases, used daily in SAUV’s mobile units (especially during the Covid pandemic), this partnership made it possible to offer healthcare to 3,475 patients in 2021. The Fondation CNP Assurances is also continuing its support for SAUV LIFE’s “Citoyens de choc” (“Shock citizens”) project, which aims to recruit and train people in life-saving techniques and to equip them with mobile defibrillators. The project is expected to be deployed all over France. 

The Fondation CNP Assurances has also confirmed its commitment to Secours Populaire Français (SPF) and Petits Frères des Pauvres (PFP). It helps them in installing defibrillators and conducting awareness-raising and training in life-saving techniques in sheltered homes for volunteers, employees, and people housed in the homes as well as their relatives, thus contributing to the inclusion of more vulnerable populations.

Employee projects and new directors

The Board of Directors of the Fondation CNP Assurances has approved six projects put forward by CNP Assurances employees. The projects are on various themes linked to inclusion, such as the “Tandem Réfugiés” project for the inclusion of refugees, the “BASKOOL” project to strengthen the educational, civic and social mission of sport, the “On Remplit le Frigo” project for the distribution of food baskets to students, the EVA (Ensemble Vers l’Avenir pour Réussir Ensemble) and “Epicerie Sans Prix” projects to fight against food waste, and “Atout Cœur-Annecy” for the creation of a restaurant that employees disabled workers.

Following the departure of Bénédicte Menanteau and Daniel Berachategui, the Foundation’s Board of Directors has appointed two new directors: Camille Marc and Geneviève Justin. Camille Marc is head of consulting and incubator manager at Philanthro-Lab and has vast expertise, particularly in skills sponsorship and impact measurement systems. Geneviève Justin, junior school headmistress, has extensive experience working with the educational community.