Policyholder, beneficiary, euro-denominated fund, unit-linked product… The terms used in the insurance industry are not always easily understood by the general public. Supported by the creative forces of Konbini, CNP Assurances is partnering with French comedian Baptiste Lecaplain to translate insurance words “into basic language” and make them accessible to as many people as possible on the media.

“It’s time to talk about insurance in a different way. Through these videos, we want to talk to all those, including young people, who find insurance too complicated or find that policies are not clear, we hope that this initiative will make it easier to understand our business lines and our offers, and clear up any misunderstandings about the cover provided by insurance policies”.
Stéphane Dedeyan, CEO of CNP Assurances


Talking about insurance in a different way by translating the most technical terms of insurance policies

According to a study conducted by YouGov in 2019, 25% of 18-34 year-olds say they “understand absolutely nothing about their insurance policy”. How can we find a way around this? To remedy this situation, CNP Assurances, supported by communication agency The Good Company, proposes two videos each of a few minutes, produced and distributed in association with Konbini, bringing together insurance expert Florent and comedian Baptiste Lecaplain. Baptiste translates – humorously – Florent’s technical words on subjects such as life insurance, policies, beneficiaries, tax, etc.

What is life insurance?*

Florent : “Life insurance is a policy through which an insurer undertakes to pay the capital accumulated to the insured as
a living benefit, or to the designated beneficiary in the event of the insured’s death. The capital represents the sum of the
amounts invested plus any income generated on the policy, provided that the policy has not registered a capital loss.”

Baptiste Lecaplain : “So basically, life insurance is money you put aside with the aim of making it grow to prepare for the
future and other life projects. A life project like buying a house, for example”.

(extract from the video put online on 3rd November)

“I would never have imagined that one day I would say: insurance policies are real fun!”
Baptiste Lecaplain, comedian

“Talking about life insurance in a creative, fair and relevant manner on Konbini was a great challenge for all the teams”.
Guillaume Aubert, creative director, Konbini

“Apart from these videos being useful, the fact that CNP Assurances manages to joke about the complexity of its business proves how modern the brand is”
Xavier Real del Sarte, director of The Good Company.

The videos will be online from 3rd November

The first video, dedicated to life insurance, is available at the following link:

In order to reach as wide an audience as possible, stories will also be published on Konbini’s Instagram feed. Finally, an expanded article, «The translator of insurance jargon», will be put online in November on Konbini’s website.