At its board meeting on 9 December 2020, Fondation CNP Assurance renewed its commitments of solidarity with five partner federations and associations. It thus confirms its strategic line in favour of reducing social inequalities in healthcare for young people and continues its actions to “Save lives”.

Fondation CNP Assurance will also continue to support Unis-Cité, Bibliothèques Sans Frontières (BSF), Alliance pour l’éducation - United Way, FAGE (Fédération des Associations Générales Etudiantes) and SAUV Life.

In this period of pandemic, the fight against social inequalities in healthcare has become a national emergency. The health, social and economic crisis engendered by COVID-19 has had a severe impact on the most vulnerable and in particular on young people. In 2020, actions undertaken by partners of Fondation CNP Assurance were significantly affected by the epidemic, particularly during the two phases of lockdown. Paradoxically, the year also brought many innovations and opportunities. A consequence of the health situation has been the development of solutions and services to adapt to new emerging needs in “the world after”.

In favour of reducing social inequalities in healthcare

Fondation CNP Assurances together with Unis-Cité in 2016 undertook to build “Les Re’Pairs Santé”, the first nation-wide civil service programme to prevent risk behaviour and promote young people’s health through peer action.
The lockdown has had dramatic consequences for young people’s health. This is why the Unis-Cité roadmap for 2020-2021 includes a COVID-19 dimension in the mission of Re’Pairs Santé:
•    recreational workshops on pandemics and barrier gestures held in schools, youth organisations and health structures
•    mobilisation in response to requests from municipalities and local partners (e.g. support for test campaigns, help with the use of the #TousAntiCovid application, etc.).
Despite the context, between November 2019 and June 2020, Re’Pairs Santé volunteers conducted 1,040 actions in 22 regions for 26,524 beneficiaries, including 154 actions for 1,748 beneficiaries during the lockdown, and 172 young refugees took part in a healthcare trial.

Bibliothèques Sans Frontières (BSF - Libraries without Borders)
In 2020, a third Ideas Box Santé CNP Assurances was deployed with CRIPS Île-de-France (regional AIDS information and prevention and youth healthcare centre). The Ideas Box Santé system – a connected mobile library kit to promote health awareness – has already benefited 7,500 young people in Boulogne-sur-Mer and Sarcelles. A digital healthcare kit was also created and deployed with 30 BSF partners in France, with reinforced strategic support in response to the COVID-19 epidemic.
In 2021, Fondation CNP Assurances will base its support on consolidating existing programmes and extending them in particular for CRIPS.

Alliance pour l’éducation - United Way
Since 2016, Fondation CNP Assurances has been supporting Alliance pour l’éducation - United Way, participating in the innovative building and deployment of “Défi Jeunesse”. This programme for getting to know oneself and the professional world has already reached 6,850 youngsters, particularly on topics related to self-management and well-being, and aims to reach 10,500 more in 2020-2021, in 29 middle schools and 3 high schools that are participating. 2020 was a year of commitment for CNP Assurance employees in this programme, which was further extended to high schools, and of which the pilot was launched with the support of Fondation CNP Assurance.

FAGE (Fédération des Associations Générales Etudiantes, or general student associations’ federation)
Fondation CNP Assurances will continue to support FAGE (Fédération des Associations Générales Etudiantes) so that it can pursue its fight against poverty and emotional unwellness among students. Between March and August 2020, thanks to the commitment of more than 360 volunteers mobilised throughout France, 30,000 food hampers were handed out to more than 13,000 students who were impacted by the consequences of COVID-19.
In 2021, its goals are to:
•    maintain the 24 AGORAé that have already been opened as places of exchange and solidarity in the fight against food insecurity, and to open 4 more facilities
•    organise 75 workshops on well-being for students.

“Save lives”  

For the past year, Fondation CNP Assurances has been a partner of the association SAUV (Savoir Agir face à l’Urgence Vécue, or “knowing how to act in an emergency”), which launched the collaborative geolocation application SAUV Life in March 2018 as a support for citizens who provide aid in medical emergencies.
In 2020, the year of COVID-19, it was necessary to adapt the project initially sponsored by the foundation: this led to the deployment of SAM-SAUV. In liaison with regional healthcare agencies, the system helps to assess patients’ symptoms fast. Based on a full report from healthcare professionals, the emergency medical service (SAMU) will then decide on a course of action, which might mean that the patient need not be taken to the emergency room. This innovative system, which combines responsiveness and flexibility, gives the volunteer citizen identified by the SAUV Life application a key role in the process.
Support from Fondation CNP Assurance has contributed to:
•    the trial roll-out of SAM SAUV
•    promoting the SAUV Life application as a lever for citizens’ commitment to save lives.

Equipping local authorities with defibrillators
During the meeting, the Fondation CNP Assurance board voted in favour of helping to equip local authorities with 225 defibrillators and to carry out awareness actions following a call for projects launched on 1 October this year. Having supported over 3,500 regional and local authorities in 10 years and installed over 4,500 defibrillators, the foundation has amply fulfilled its role as a forerunner. Legislation has furthermore made it mandatory to equip establishments that are open to the public. The foundation has now decided to explore new life-saving programmes and will not launch another call for projects to install heart defibrillators.

Staff projects

The Fondation CNP Assurance board has also sponsored 12 committed employees’ projects to:
•    support patients and caregivers
•    facilitate access to care, better health, and social ties
•    give access to knowledge, information and preventative healthcare.