Paris, July 31th 2018.

Last October, our employees joined forces with Fondation CNP Assurances to raise money for charity. And their commitment allowed us to donate a total of €24,000!

Over a week-long period, we encouraged our employees to accumulate as many steps as possible, which could be turned into money for charity. Taking the stairs rather than the lift, going to see their colleagues directly rather than just phoning, exercising a little to relax after a hard day’s work... lots of little things which all add up when it comes to the #MetsTesBaskets (GrabYourTrainers) campaign!

Agathe Sanson, vice-chairman of Fondation CNP Assurances, is revisiting this active week with Philippe Duport on his France Info radio show “C’est mon boulot!” (It’s my job!).  

To find out more and listen to the podcast (in french), click here.

Photo ©AldoSperber