Press release

At the CNP Assurances General Meeting held today in Paris, shareholders approved the merger of Ecureuil Vie into the Company. The meeting was chaired by Edmond Alphandéry, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The merger was proposed in order to align application of CNP Assurances' business model by its two main partners in France, La Banque Postale and the Savings Banks. It will centralize asset portfolio management, help to guarantee sustained performance and simplify certain processes. 

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Written questions to the President of the Executive Board should be sent to the Company by registered mail, or by e-mail to questions-ecritesAGM2007@cnp.frfor receipt by 12 December. Evidence of ownership of CNP shares must be provided with the question.
Shareholders wishing to table resolutions at the Annual General Meeting should notify the Company by registered mail within ten days of the notice of meeting being published. They should include with their letter a certificate evidencing their ownership of CNP shares.