2021 stage 1
Membership of Investors for a just transition
CNP Assurances has joined the first global coalition of investors to promote a socially acceptable transition to low-carbon economies and is one of the 13 founding members.
2021 stage 2
Signature of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge
CNP Assurances has joined this initiative which brings together the financial institutions committed to contributing to the protection and restoration of biodiversity through their investment activities.
2020 stage 3
Signatory of the Principles for sustainable insurance
CNP Assurances has joined the Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI), a United Nations initiative that serves as a framework for insurers to integrate environmental, social and governance criteria in all their activities.
2020 stage 4
Support of the Task-force on climate-related financial disclosures
CNP Assurances supports and follows the recommendations of the Task-Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), whose objective is to improve transparency on the risks and opportunities linked to climate change.
2020 stage 5
Signatory of the Tobacco-free Finance Pledge
CNP Assurances has formalised its commitment to a smoke-free society by signing the Tobacco-Free Finance Pledge, a United Nations initiative that encourages its signatories to stop investing in the tobacco industry.
2019 stage 6
Member of the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance
By becoming a member of the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance in 2019, CNP Assurances committed to achieving a carbon-neutral investment portfolio by 2050.
2017 stage 7
Member of Climate Action 100+
Climate Action 100+ is an investor initiative to ensure that the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitters take necessary measures to fight climate change.
2016 stage 8
Supporting member and signatory member of CDP
CDP encourages investors, companies and cities to build a truly sustainable economy by measuring and reducing their impact on the environment.
2015 stage 9
Signatory of the Montreal Carbon Pledge
As a signatory of the Montreal Carbon Pledge, CNP Assurances disclosed the carbon footprint of its directly-held listed equity portfolio in 2015 and committed to reducing it.
2011 stage 10
Signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
As an insurer and a responsible investor, CNP Assurances signed the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment in 2011.
2003 stage 11
Signatory of the United Nations Global Compact
CNP Assurances Group is committed to respecting the human and citizens’ rights defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and more specifically the principles of the International Labour Organization and the labour regulations specific to each country.