2015 social indicators


Workforce Percentage of women Average age
541 37.45% 44.63


The number of employees has increased very little (0.37%).

Outside contractors are used mainly for cleaning and IT.

The proportion of women has remained at around 60% for the insurance/assistance companies. It is lower in the IT sector, at 26%.

Workforce management

Workforce management
Length of service Turnover Number of departures Number of new hires
13.8 years 4.3% 62 67


Part-time employees represent 13% of the total. Nearly 7,010 overtime hours were clocked in 2015. Departures primarily corresponded to fixed-term contracts coming to an end (34) and resignations (8). Three dismissals were recorded in 2015.

Health and safety

Health and safety
Total absenteeism rate (excluding CNP TI - not available) Absenteeism rate excluding maternity leave
12.2% 4.1%


There were two workplace accidents in 2015.

At CNP TI, the psychosocial risk prevention commission held 15 meetings during the year and various projects were implemented to reduce these risks. A social barometer was performed in 2015, the results were analysed, three areas were identified for improvement (management strategy and Human Resources). The single document has also been finalised and distributed this year.

Training and career management

A total of 11,453 hours of training were offered in the three subsidiaries.

CNP TI launched the “Skills” project during the year, based on an analysis of the match between each employee’s existing skills and career objectives, as expressed during the annual performance review, and CNP Assurances’s strategy. By highlighting the most appropriate development opportunities, this approach is helping employees to advance more rapidly in their career.

Employee dialogue

A total of 79 meetings were held by the three subsidiaries in 2015, including 22 meetings of the Occupational Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee and 57 meetings with employees representatives.

At CNP TI, the indicators relating to the gender equality agreement are presented annually to the EC. The agreement on the employment of seniors is also the subject of an annual spot review.

Two new agreements were signed at Assuristance: a profit-sharing agreement and mandatory annual negotiations.

Equal opportunities

Equal opportunities
Percentage of women managers Percentage of women senior managers
32.9% 25.6%


Between them, the three subsidiaries employed five people with disabilities and four people under vocational training contracts.