Mobilising talent

Deployment of the new organisation built around the Group’s strategic goals was supported throughout the year and at all levels.

A successful corporate transformation

The reorganisation plan was discussed in detail with employee representatives during some forty meetings held over a period of 15 months at which the plan’s aims were explained. Management support was a constant throughout this period. The Chief Executive Officer maintained an open channel of communication on the subject with the first tier of management. A communication kit including a system for passing on employee questions was distributed to all managers.

Seminars were held to organise teams and targeted change management initiatives were carried out to promote employee buy-in. The 250 project leaders were involved in drafting the four principles that now inspire the conduct of all CNP Assurances managers - customer focus, initiative, inventiveness and confidence. Three-quarters of employees were concerned to some extent by the changes in 2014. Individual

and group coaching sessions, and bespoke training programmes addressing the type of change experienced (change of position, profession or management) helped to ensure the transformation went smoothly.

Career opportunities

Most positions within CNP Assurances are filled by internal candidates. In 2014, normal employee departures (around 135 people), combined with the creation of the business units and corporate functions opened up new career opportunities. In all, 74% of the positions that fell vacant in 2014 were filled internally. Some 150 employees were promoted.

A number of initiatives were launched to enable each employee to find a position aligned with his or her skills and aspirations in the new organisation. During the year, 93% of employees benefited from an annual performance review, giving them an opportunity to discuss their career options with their manager, and around 900 employees benefited from a career planning review. A total of 73 employees attended courses leading to a diploma, in order to fulfil their professional ambitions within the Group. The equivalent of over 5% of payroll was spent on training in 2014.

Targeted hiring

To find the specific skills not available within the Group, mainly in finance and marketing, the Human Resources department launched a variety of initiatives. These included using innovative digital channels, conducting targeted e-mail campaigns in Viadeo, and advertising jobs on the Indeed portal and regional job sites. The department also continued to use the traditional method of finding candidates through personal recommendations, which is a particularly effective means of attracting the best insurance advisors. In all, these varied approaches halved the average hiring time. 

The Group is ranked in 2nd place overall - and 1st place in the insurance industry - for the proportion of women in senior management positions.

Over 5% of payroll spent on training

900 employees benefited from a career planning review

Actively promoting diversity

CNP Assurance promotes gender equality and works to help school-leavers and people with disabilities to enter the job market.

Our assertive policies earned us the Seal of Diversity, based on our performance in relation to several indicators. In 2014, we rose from the 16th to the 2nd place overall - and 1st place in the insurance industry - for the proportion of women in senior management positions*. This leap forward reflects the increase in the number of women and advances in their role. Women make up 40% of the Executive Committee, while two Board committees are chaired by women. As of end-2014, 101 young people were employed under work-study contracts, preparing diplomas representing two to five years’ higher education. Employees with disabilities represent more than 5% of the workforce and an eighth 4-year agreement on this subject has been signed.

* Ranking of the top 120 French companies for gender equality published by the Social Affairs, Health and Women’s Rights Ministry to mark Gender Equality Week.