Creating well-being, one of CNP Assurances’s skills

In 2014, we initiated the strategic refocusing of our business model on the social protection businesses, leveraging our partnership culture and add-on services to better insure all of our customers’ futures.

The “ANI” agreement providing for all employees to be covered by supplementary health insurance as from 1 January 2016 will reshape the insurance landscape, by taking more than 5 million employees of micro-­enterprises and self-employed professionals out of individual health insurance and into group insurance plans. We are ready to take up the challenge.

Conquering markets with our partners

Our personal risk and protection offers have always been deployed through our partnerships not only with the banking networks of La Banque Postale and the Caisses d’Epargne – our two main partners – but also with France’s major employee benefits institutions, around a hundred mutual insurers and various insurance brokers. CNP Assurances is the leading provider of employee benefit plans (health, death and disa­bility insurance) for French local authorities and it also meets the needs of some 4,600 companies.

Protection insurance is at the centre of the new partnership agreement negotiated with BPCE, which has chosen CNP Assurances to meet the employee benefit plan needs of companies with over 20 employees that are customers of the Caisses d’Epargne network or the Banques Populaires network, representing a portfolio of over 600,000 companies and 2 million employees.

An expert platform designed for sharing

The supplementary health insurance market offers a great opportunity, but it’s heavily regulated and is likely to be the scene of fierce competition with the most efficient insurers coming out on top. To rank among the winners, we have joined forces with Alptis Assurances, a master broker specialised in employee benefit plans and digital solutions. Our joint subsidiary, Capvita, combines bespoke solutions developed by our Group with Alptis Assurances’s expertise in distance selling and contract administration. Capvita will provide multi-­channel support (web, telephone, text message) for the drive by the Group and its partners to capture the market.

Support from the Amétis network

For the owner of a small business or micro-enterprise, a local presence and personalised relations are essential. That’s why we have chosen to channel distribution through our in-house network of insurance advisors, extend these advisors’ expertise to include health insurance plans, hire new profiles and offer the sales force’s services to our partners. To reflect its expansion into this new market, the in-house CNP Trésor network has been renamed Amétis. It comprises some 250 travelling insurance advisors who cover the whole country and are equipped with high-performance mobile workstations.

Trialling the new model

Our supplementary health insurance offer will be ready this summer. In the meantime, we are breaking in the Capvita platform and multi-channel distribution model among partner mutual insurers and employee benefits institutions. The Amétis network is testing its key to unlocking the market – diagnostic reviews of the business owner’s personal assets and of the company’s employee benefits provision. The initial results are very good in terms of appointments and sales. 

A new generation service

Wilfried Briand, Chairman of Capvita, a subsidiary of CNP Assurances

“With Capvita, we have everything we need to win over the owners of small businesses and micro-enterprises, and to deliver innovations to potential partners such as banks, brokers, mutual insurers and employee benefits institutions. Leveraging our skills in multi-channel customer relationship management, we will work with them to invent a new generation service.”

A single contact

Raphaël Monsonnec, Business Development Manager, Western France region,
Amétis, part of the Social Protection and Services business unit

“Owners of small businesses and micro-enterprises, craftspeople, tradespeople and self employed professionals all have in common that they are isolated and vulnerable. They all need personalised support and they are also keen to offer protection to their employees who are central to their business’s long-term survival. With the Amétis network, each business owner deals with a single advisor who is able to provide wide-ranging advice and to cover all of their needs not only in terms of wealth management solutions but also of social protection for them as well as for their employees. Thanks to a network spanning the entire country, customers are visited by their local Amétis advisor wherever they are located, thereby cementing the relationship of trust.”

4,600 companies have chosen CNP Assurances to manage their employee benefit plans.

250 Amétis travelling insurance advisors, experienced in providing personalised advice and trained in the technical aspects of supplementary health insurance.

Services, Providing day-to-day support,the changing face of insurance

CNP Assurances’s supplementary health insurance offer will consist of simple products including a full range of guarantees and services that revisit insurance.

The future of insurance lies in services. We believe strongly in this, which is why we have totally revisited our pioneering service offer.

The new Service Strategy and Innovation department set up within the Social Protection and Services business unit is tasked with developing around ten new services each year. This will involve setting up an equivalent number of partnerships with social protection experts and testing the services prior to their full deployment. The essential first step, however, is to define the golden rules of innovation. The challenge is to go beyond providing assistance when an insured risk occurs to offering services at any time in our insureds’ everyday lives. The added-value is obvious; for example, insureds will be able to obtain an appointment for a scan at certain Paris clinics within three days versus 15 days normally, or to ask for a second medical opinion on-line from a recognized expert. In this way, insureds will enjoy a seamless customer experience. Patients are consumers in a hurry, who want to access services intuitively, immediately and interactively.

The 100%-digital platform is designed to meet this challenge.

Smart phones, tablets, apps

CNP Assurances’s platform is being tested in real life conditions during 2015 by employees of customer companies in the Paris region. They are ­being asked to assess the quality and usefulness of three services designed to make their everyday lives easier: fast-track medical appointments, personalised health checks and services to help prevent a loss of autonomy. Assistance is available five days a week by telephone and 24/7 on-line, and the portal includes space for users to post comments and suggestions regarding future services. We have also chosen digital solutions to better understand the needs of business owners and partner them more effectively. The Group is a partner of WikiPME, a collaborative platform for French entrepreneurs. We also plan to conduct a survey to measure business owners’ sensitivity to a number of issues.

Present right across the healthcare value chain

Magaly Siméon, Head of the Social Protection and Services business unit

“Design, distribute, manage, support: CNP Assurances is present right across the healthcare value chain, offering high quality solutions to its distribution partners and attractive services to its customers.”

Three questions for

Peggy Séjourné, Service Strategy and Innovation Manager, Social Protection and Services business unit

You are responsible for combining services and innovation. Why?

Enhancing our service offer is key to making a difference with our partners and customers in the area of social protection, as it will enable us to offer immediate, tangible added-value to policyholders.

Will services take precedence over insurance cover?

Today, the insurer still arrives after the event, simply to settle the claim. Customers want more, they want solutions to their problems rather than standard products, and support at all stages of their lives, with evolutive cover and real time relations with their insurer.

Is CNP Assurances making the digital transition?

More than anything, policyholders are consumers and citizens for whom speed is of the essence. The digital platform responds to this need for immediacy. It will also help us to better understand our policyholders’ expectations and refine our solutions.