Question n°8

Fanny Monstier
Community manager and freelance web editor,
Lille, France

Insuring all our futures is fine, but what do you do for those who do not fit the criteria?


People’s customs and lifestyles are changing increasingly quickly and more and more radically. Society does not evolve quickly enough for some, but evolves too fast for others. In order to follow these movements, one first has to understand them. This involves getting connected with the people concerned and designing suitable solutions with them. Thus, CNP Assurances has created a Generation Y observatory and has launched an online community to interact with it.
Similarly, where the social and solidarity-based economy is concerned, the Group uses its experience in Brazil to explore micro-insurance solutions for Europe. For CNP Assurances, all life’s projects are worth insuring. Innovation and co-construction are key to providing everyone with better support.

400 young people are members of the interactive community created by CNP Assurances online
24 million of a popular insurance product have been sold in Brazil since 2001

Sophie Wittmer
Manager of the Digit#Alizé project

The driving force of the new generations is movement and creativity. They move quickly and only trust in themselves. What is the point in designing products which are not of interest to them? Can one still create standard insurance products for all, when everything functions by affinities? Giving them confidence means simplifying their day-to-day lives and sponsoring their projects with bespoke offers and services. More local, more transparent and more interactive with the new generations, that is the challenge for CNP Assurances.

14.1 million people now make up generation y in France

Joining their movement

There are 14.1 million “digital natives”, and in seven years they will represent half of the working population and half of total incomes. Channelhoppers, travellers, promoters of sharing and setting great store by responsible behaviour, they are multi-connected. 
In order to get to know this generation better, its behaviours, its customs and its aspirations, the Group has created an interactive observatory, and is immersing itself in their day-to-day lives.
They have new expectations: how to protect themselves against the theft of their data and digital objects, how to insure their car sharers, their exchanges of apartments, their objects and services, and allow them to test out new activities?
In order to provide the right answer, CNP Assurances has decided to co-construct and test previously untried solutions with these new generations, through an online community platform.
400 members, students, young workers, self-employed and odd-jobbers are designing the future offers of CNP Assurances, adapted to the new ways of consuming, working, occupying, travelling and living.

110 million modest-income brazilians are candidates for micro-insurance

Insuring by conviction

The CNP Assurances Group has considerable experience of micro-insurance in Brazil, where its subsidiary Caixa Seguradora has been operating since 2001. Thus, its popular Bilhete allows Brazilians to insure themselves for less than €1 per month.
The funeral insurance Amparo can be underwritten in a few seconds, for a few reals. The Conjugado provident plan includes a pension micro-plan to build up a minimum savings pot. More than 5 million micro-savings contracts have been sold in fifteen years. In France, CNP Assurances is the co-reinsurer of the “À tout coeur santé” offer. This enables people excluded from the universal additional health cover, but whose income puts them below the poverty line, to access additional health cover.
The social and solidarity-based economy is the natural territory of CNP Assurances, as a partner of the mutual and joint bodies world, and active defender of insurance for all. Thus, the Group is involved in the Fabrique d’Assurance initiative, which brings together those involved in the industry.
This collaborative think tank mixes expertise and viewpoints in order to take insurance off the beaten tracks. Micro-insurance is in fact one of the very first areas to be explored.
To insure everyone’s future is a very affirmative promise which needs to change the rules of the game.